Spring Into Action – Active Belfast Programme

We have now reached the end of our hugely successful Spring Into Action Project. The aim of this project was to increase participation of women in physical activity and raise awareness of how to have healthier and happier lifestyles. Our target groups were inactive women .i.e. those women least likely to become involved in healthy living activities without support or appropriate activities to take part in. Our groups comprised of Senior Citizens, ethnic minority women, in-active women and women with long term health conditions. 107 women took part in the programme. To facilitate engagement in the project we provided free on-site childcare for participants.

Our sessions were delivered by WISPA who have coaches trained to work with women in community settings. We also were mindful of the cultural barriers for some women taking part in sessions and arranged ‘women only sessions’ for our Somali women’s group at our local community gym Fit4life.

A range of activities for all ages and fitness levels were delivered such as Pilates, Zumba, Armchair aerobics and swimming lessons. Integrated with the activities were information sessions delivered by a Nutritionist on key health topics such as the Eatwell plate and healthy cooking on a budget.Along with cookery demonstrations we provided participants with ingredients to replicate recipes or create new dishes at home for the family and send them to the group to share ideas. Aligned with the nutritional strand of the project was the cultivation of our community garden.
Growing tending and harvesting provided gentle exercise with the restorative power of nature